Artists We Love: Miquel Barcelo

Artists We Love: Miquel Barcelo

At Raphaelle, we feel a kindred spirit with Miquel Barcelo's irreverent treatment of materials and experimentation.  

A work that shows this well is the ceiling of a conference room at the United Nations (U.N.) in New York. Barcelo has transformed the ceiling of this room, known as the 'The Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room' into a '21st Century Sistine Chapel.'

Here, Barcelo reworks one of his favorite subjects, caves, and uses paint to create stalactites in a rainbow of colors. Using paint as a sculptural material, Barcelo transforms a ceilinged fresco into a sculptural installation. The daring treatment of this ceiling allows us to ask -  "what might be possible?"

It is exactly this fearless approach to materials that is the essence of Barcelo's inventiveness. A focus we share at Raphaelle S.O.A.  


Read more about Raphaelle S.O.A.'s unique approach to materials at

Learn more about Miquel Barcelo at