Artist at Work: Body in Flow

Artist at Work: Body in Flow

The creative process can generate a special gift that all artists chase: the 'flow state.' The flow state occurs when an artist is completely immersed in their work. This incredible focus outside oneself makes the body release its sense of self-consciousness and creates a unique energy and physicality to the artist experiencing it. 

This is the type of energy and body language which is the unique speciality of Raphaelle S.O.A. 

Whether it's the expressiveness of pressing hands into wet clay, or the drape of a body over a table during a brainstorm session, the physical manifestation of the 'flow state' creates a chill and energetic vibe that what we capture and create at Raphaelle S.O.A.  

In general, the flow-state is relatively easily reached during dance. But there is a type of dance that epitomizes this trust in instinct and total un-selfconsciousness.

It is called Gaga. 

Invented by Ohad Naharin and practiced by the Batsheva Dance Company. Gaga dance classes are done without mirrors and centered on the internal physical experience. The release from focus on aesthetics allows unexpected discoveries of the dancers from within themselves - and a range of movement and expression even they didn't know was in there.  

We learn to love our sweat, we discover our passion to move and connect it to effort, we discover both the animal in us and the power of our imagination  - Ohad Naharin


Explore our products that express the quick gestures of the artist in the flow state


Learn more about Gaga Dance at